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Education Experts Praised on Mind-map Teaching Method
 Hits:16416 AddTime:2016-5-27 9:19:29


On the afternoon of 17th May, the experts from Guangzhou Teaching and Research Office came to our school and had an unannounced inspection. They entered the classrooms by chance and watched six classes of Chinese, mathematics and English with the aim to check our true teaching level. As usual, our teachers gave the classes by means of “Research and Teaching” and drew mind-maps on the blackboards, which received high praise from the experts.


Later the experts had a meeting with the teachers of different subjects. They gave us excellent and precise comments on each class and discussed deeply with the teachers on how to implement the teaching aims. The experts were especially interested in Mind-maps and encouraged us to continue to use them in future and try to make some outstanding achievements for the education of Panyu District.



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