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Canadian Course

Teaching Aims

Primary School (Grades 1 to 3)

Canadian course strives to develop the whole child emotionally, physically, socially, and intellectually. In Lower Primary, students form a strong foundation in numeracy, literacy, environmental awareness and also establishing qualities of honesty, acceptance, compassion and empathy.

Lower Primary students take English language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, physical education, music, art and Mandarin. Students have access to various types of technology to enhance their learning.

Primary School (Grades 4 to 6)

Upper Primary helps students build upon the learning foundation established continue to develop their character and begin to explore leadership opportunities. Upper Primary students become role models and leaders in the elementary school. Upper Primary students help to run assemblies and are partnered with younger grades as reading buddies.

Focus On Inquiry

Inquiry-based learning is a process where students are involved in their learning by formulating questions, investigating widely through a variety of resources and mediums, then building new understandings, meaning and knowledge. At CLS we have created units of inquiry based on key essential questions that the teacher uses to guide the students. Through the inquiry process, our students are taught important critical thinking and problem-solving skills that will be the basis for all their learning.


Assessment takes on many forms and our teachers use a variety of methods to check for understanding. Students are given several opportunities to show that they have learned through interviews, retelling, inventing, creating, describing, building, writing, showing, explaining, interpreting, analyzing, solving and so on. Through these varied avenues of assessment, teachers are able to see if students are meeting the curriculum outcomes or if they need more support and more time to succeed.





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