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the firefighters were amazed at the smartness of the sunny kindergarten kids.
 Hits:15377 AddTime:2015-11-23 16:11:58

As the saying goes, it’s better to be safe than sorry and also, don’t leave any stone unturned, Sunny kindergarten invited the good men of Fire service department for a fire drill. The drill started with a fire alarm and immediately the kids rushed to grab their towels, and started exiting the building through the fire escape. Later we all gathered at the playground where the fire fighters gave a speech on how to deal with fire both at home or school. He told the kids in case of fire and if it happens that they are alone in the house, they should reach out for the neighbors. Meanwhile they can also dial 119 to report any fire incidence. They also taught us how to use the fire extinguisher to stop the fire, because if you use it wrongly, you will only succeed in spreading the fire.

However, the firefighters were amazed at the smartness of the sunny kindergarten kids. The kids answered all their questions as well as asking them questions. The drill ended with the kids visiting the fire service truck where they sounded alarm and let the kids try out some of the gear. It was a great experience for kids, teachers and by standers.

The fire department meets the students of Sunny Kindergarten.

Show us how to prepare a fire extinguisher.

Stand upwind, aim high and squeeze the handle.


Look at what I can do. Oh, it’s so heavy!

I want to be a firewoman when I grow up!

All of the teachers and students had a great time and learning experience today, thanks to the fire department!






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