来源:本站 点击数:7128次 更新时间:2018-7-3 15:27:02

The Canadian International School (CIS) is a wonder of modern architecture, Each part of the campus has an fascinating story behind it.





深耕设计理念,国际高端品牌!An innovative design concept for an international brand!



Modern and elegant European-style teaching building with digital teaching equipment, a STEAM-based creative and interactive space, and official certified teachers teaching Alberta curriculum (Canada).



The innovators behind CIS combined the wisdom and inspiration of top designers from Canada, the United States and Hong Kong. CIS adheres to the purpose of “Education Is Love.” Its high standard of design and progressive curriculum allow for a safe and comfortable environment in which students can thrive.



践行工匠精神,成就国际精英!Through hard work and dedication our school has persevered!



Behind the development of this beautiful campus lays the hard word and dedication of countless individuals within the CIEO organization.


Over the past two years, we have seen a dedicated employees blossom.




This letter aims to thank those who played a vital role in the opening of the new campus. We have discussed how beautiful our campus is, and that would have been impossible without the dedication of Huang Renquan. Huang, who had been onsite manager in the Engineering Department, had been working overtime for several nights. For him, even after hours, the construction and safety of the campus was a priority.


Over the past two years, even after getting a serious illness, Huang dedicated himself to preserving the safety of the site from construction to completion.



Huang is a father, a husband and a loyal employee. He is 62 years old and he still working at the forefront of education. In 2016, CIS started its construction. In May 2018, CIS was formally completed. From the beginning to end, he has been a part of the school.

他是父亲,是丈夫,是平凡岗位的坚守者,如今已62岁的黄任泉,依然忘我地守候在教育的最前线。2016年,广州加拿大外外籍人员子女学校动工筹建, 2018年5月,广州加拿大外籍人员子女学校正式竣工,从始至终,他一直坚守着自己平凡而又伟大的岗位,默默奉献。

传承创新精神,回归教育本真Passing on the spirit of creation and returning to education.



We’d like to thank those who have supported our growth thus far.  This includes the Guangzhou Municipal Government for its policy assistance as well as the Panyu District Government. Additionally,thank-you to the Education Bureau for its assistance. Also, the Canadian Consulate for its full cooperation and guidance. Of course, we should thank the designers who modified the drawings over and over again, and other work teams who worked diligently in order to give the children a beautiful and safe environment with careful attention to detail. Last, but certainly not least, thank-you to the hard workers from the CIEO team.


而这一切的背后是因为有身边人的用心,关心和帮助,我们才能持续探索创新,回归教育本真。感谢当下教育政策给予了我们机会,上级主管部门番禺区政府,番禺区致育局悉心指导及支持让我们克服了许多困难,加拿大亚泊特省教育厅及加拿大领事馆多次协助,CIEO 工程部团队多少汗水与雨水的浇灌,汇聚了CIEO团队睿智美丽的精神。

It is precisely because there are so many people inside and outside and cultivating beauty like angels that keep us together forever. We have always walked on the road of education. The situation is left and love is on the right. We will never forget our heart and use our love to train students. Love to cast teacher soul!


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