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Six Points for Choosing Summer English Courses
Canadian International Kid's English – Taojin (CTC-TJ)


Full immersion in the English environment
On July 17, Canadian International Kid's English – Taojin (CTC-TJ) carried out 13-day summer classes. Classes were divided into junior, intermediate and high levels with 13 classes offered including Animals, Sight Words, Picture Book, Phonics, Reading and Writing and Canadian in Guangzhou.

Student ages ranged from 4-12 years old, and foreign teachers taught them to use full sentences, and increased children's interest in English by improving their oral expression. They also increased their vocabulary and reading ability to push to each child's maximum potential through materials selected to appeal to kids’ organic interest scope.

Field trips and seminars
This year's Animals course was very popular. In order to create a better environment for children to learn English, we led the children to the Guangzhou Zoo. We noticed the kids interest really improved after observing the animals they had been learning about. The parents were very satisfied with their children's verbal communication skills, and supported the outdoor learning style of this field trip.

Independent study and independent thinking
 Picture Book is a new course offered where we selected three very famous picture books to learn. Before we read the story, we first study the key words, and then participated in segment reading. Finally, we guided the kids to write an overview of the story. Children learned the meaning the of the story, but also learned to take the initiative to think about what the message of the story is.

Original phonics teaching material
Our Phonics course is full every year and this year was no exception. Phonics class has three levels: primary, intermediate and advanced, each using authentic original phonics materials. We teach the 26 letters and common phonic blends and phonemes. This helps children with reading and writing new words by mastering basic pronunciation rules.

Good habits
For 13 days students worked hard in our English classes. Even after the end of classes, the children still insisted on sharing reading in their study groups. Children had wonderful classes, and they also gained good habits to say and read more.




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