手足口病不可怕 家庭防治是关键
来源:本站 点击数:11300次 更新时间:2017-10-19 10:49:32



5、患儿接触过的玩具、学习用品用含有效氯500mg/L的消毒液擦拭或浸泡, 15分钟后用清水擦拭、冲洗干净。



Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease Prevention and Control
Canadian Kindergarten-Tianyu(CKE-TY)

Hand, foot and mouth disease is a common infectious disease which can be self-healing but is easily infectious, with many methods of transmission. Most HFM patients are less than 5 years old and experience mild symptoms, characterized by fever, skin rash or herpes on the hands and feet or in the mouth. A few patients may develop aseptic meningitis, encephalitis, acute flaccid paralysis, respiratory infections or myocarditis. Early detection and getting proper care generally leads to sufferers not having any serious symptoms and can avoid leaving pigmentation marks or scars on the skin.
1.Main transmission method
The enterovirus can be transmitted through the gastrointestinal tract (fecal - oral route ), or by respiratory tract (respiratory droplets, cough, sneezing, etc. ), and can also be transmitted by contact with the patient's mouth and mouth secretions, skin or mucous fluid and contaminated hands and articles.
2.Symptoms of the disease
Some symptoms are obvious. Acute onset, fever (usually around 38 degrees ), oral mucous membrane appears scattered in herpes, hand rash, herpes around the buttocks, inflammation around the herpes, less fluid in the blisters. It can be accompanied by cough, runny nose, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, headache and other symptoms. Some cases only show skin rashes or herpetic angina. The standard duration of infection is about 5 - 10 days, with most cases self–healing. The prognosis is generally good, but in certain cases, especially with EV71 infection, there can appear meningitis, encephalitis, encephalomyelitis, neurogenic pulmonary edema, circulatory disorders and other symptoms which can cause long-term, chronic side-effects or in very rare cases even death.
3.Family control measures
3.1) During an outbreak of hand, foot and mouth disease, the family of children with no symptoms should pay attention to the personal hygiene and environmental hygiene of all family members. Attention should be paid to washing of hands and clothes and to the drying of bedding. Opening a window every day (2 - 3 times, not less than 30 minutes each time) is advised and floors, tables, chairs, beds, cabinets, door handle and other furniture surfaces should be cleaned and sanitized properly. Tableware should be disinfected within 20 minutes of use along with regular cleaning of children's toys and careful attention paid to hygiene in the kitchen and washroom. Family members should wash their hands and clothes promptly after arriving home, and after visiting others, clean the relevant articles and sterilize them if necessary.
3.2)  Children undergoing treatment at home should not go to kindergartens or schools during the transmission period, nor may they contact other children. During the course of the disease, disinfection should be done thoroughly as described above.
3.3) Try not to bring children to crowded public places as much as possible during high-infection times.
3.4)  Parents should pay attention to observe changes in the physical condition of children. Once the children show signs of fever, rash, oral ulcers etc. parents should take children to a hospital as soon as possible, and cooperate fully with doctors’ advice. Children with light infection need not be hospitalized but should pay attention to rest and avoiding cross infection.
4.Common disinfection methods for the prevention and treatment
4.1) Floor, toilet and wall: wipe, drag and spray for 15 minutes with available chlorine 1000 Mg / L disinfectant.
4.2) The clothes and bedding of children need to be washed separately, soak for 30 minutes with hot water above 70 ℃. Items like towels should boil for 5 minutes after each cleaning.
4.3) Children's drinking water should be boiled and sterilized for 20 minutes every day or sterilized by two star disinfection cupboards. A disinfectant with available chlorine 250 Mg/L should be used for 30 minutes of soaking and then rinsed with water.
4.4) Wipe or disinfect the surface of objects such as door handles, handrails, bed frames, tables chairs, faucets, etc. with available chlorine 500 Mg / L disinfectant solution for 15 min, and wipe with clean water if necessary to avoid corrosion damage.
4.5) Toys and learning articles that have been exposed to children should be wiped or soaked with disinfectant containing available chlorine 500 Mg / L for 15 minutes and cleaned with water after 15 minutes.



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