2017 年CIEO冬季“枫叶精神”奖
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2017 Spirit of the Maple Leaf Program Season 4
CIEO prides itself on bringing elements of Canadian culture to share with our students and parents.  Our Spirit of the Maple Leaf program aims to honour students who excel in certain values which are of importance to the national character of Canada.  Our winners for this edition of The Heartbeat are given below.  
We received many submissions for this edition of the Spirit of the Maple Leaf.  We had a chance to read many touching and warm stories, as well as many amusing anecdotes about your children.  It is quite difficult to choose a single winner for each category, as so many of the submissions we receive illustrate those Canadian values we like to see in our students at CIEO.  
We want to remind you that if you were entered, but not chosen as a winner that’s totally fine.  If you stick to trying to adhere to the values in the Spirit of the Maple Leaf program, you’ll find that you and your community will benefit from your efforts making everybody who participates in this program a winner.  We, here at The Heartbeat, thank you on behalf of your communities for all that you’ve done.

Awarded to students who show bravery in overcoming adversity and rising to meet a challenge.  Students who are unafraid to try their best and to stand tall and be proud while taking on a challenge.  


学生姓名Student Name


广州市增城区金地加拿达幼儿园Canadian Bilingual Kindergarten-Gemdale (CKE-ZC)
提名理由Reason for Nomination
Little Ne Zha is a hero in Mido's mind, and she has had a brave heart like Ne Zha since she was young. Mido once saw two little brothers fighting, so she stood in the middle of them and shouted, "Calm down, no fighting!". She is very helpful to her family when she sees they are in trouble.  She also helps the teachers a lot around the kindergarten.  She comforts the new kids, and helps others to drink water. She is willing to meet all kinds of challenges. She was rewarded with the gold, silver and copper prizes at the World Chinese Children's Creative Arts Competition. She is good at telling stories, and she loves of learning. She hosted the graduation party, set goals and learned how to adapt to challenge when she attended the Children's Life Skills competition. She said "Good is great and fast is better", "You shouldn’t be nervous, and should try to relax." Sometimes, amazing words can come out of a four year old’s mouth.

Awarded to students who open themselves to new experiences which are considered “foreign” to much of Chinese society with open minds and willing to challenge themselves to become more international by trying new things or learning through cultural exploration.


学生姓名Student Name


广州市番禺区剑桥郡加拿达外国语学校 Canadian Foreign Language School-Cambridgeshire(CLS-C )

提名原因 Reason for Nomination

Queen从小就喜欢旅行,喜欢根据各地文化将自己的认识融合在自己的日常生活中,足迹已遍布亚洲、非洲、欧洲和美洲的十几个国家。例如服装,因为申请购买了两套汉服,有时在家里穿起汉服,学习当时的礼仪,来一阵礼仪之邦的穿越。在美国旅行时,当了解到美国历史不到300年, Queen发出了自己的疑问:中国拥有上下五千年的悠久历史,我们使用货币的时候美国还没有诞生,而现在美元却是世界通用的重要货币?好奇心促使她了解了很多世界经济发展的故事。在荷兰旅行的时候,她被漂亮的窗台文化所吸引,回来之后提议在家里的阳台也种上美丽的花花草草,让路过的人们得到愉快的心情。

Queen has been fond of traveling SINCE childhood, and has visited more than a dozen countries throughout Asia, Africa, Europe and America. Also, she sometimes wears period clothing from different times of Chinese history, and learns the necessary etiquette of that time as well. When traveling in the US, she had studied up on the history of America. Queen was curious as to why we have been using money since before the United States was even created, but the US dollar is to be the international standard, rather than the RMB.  This curiosity led her into learning many new things about the world economy. In Holland, she loved the decorate window sills she saw around the country. After returning to China, she suggested that we should also grow beautiful flowers and grass on our balcony, so that anyone who passed our balcony would walk away with a good mood.

Humility and Politeness谦逊和礼貌
Awarded to students who show good manners and consideration for others as well as to students who both win and lose with grace and humility. Students demonstrating behavior which shows an understanding of the right way to treat others and students who make a good personal impression upon the people they meet through positive demeanour.


学生姓名Student Name

梁语馨 Yuki

加拿达国际少儿英文学校——天河学校Canadian International Kid’s English-Tianhe(CTC-TH)

提名理由 Reason for Nomination


Yuki is a child from Tian He training centre who has really shown humility and compassion. Though she is just a Grade 1 student, she takes the initiative daily to greet her teachers and classmates whenever she sees them, and makes a point of saying hello to the school security guard as well.  Beyond this, she always seeks out the ayi around her school to thank her, and will even stop to thank the attendants on the subway for being helpful.  She also always gives up her seat to the elderly and small children.  Her parents and teachers have taught her to be grateful, and to understand courtesy and humility. 

Healthy Living健康生活

Awarded to students who show a commitment to a healthy lifestyle.  Students who exercise actively and pay careful attention to other healthy habits like diet and sleep habits.  


学生姓名Student Name


广州市番禺区珊瑚湾畔加拿达幼儿园Canadian Kindergarten- Coral Bay Crescent(CKE-CB)

提名理由 Reason for Nomination


Michelle Is a child who really cares about being health and living a clean life.  She arrives at the kindergarten early ever morning to take part in our morning excericse, and is always very active during that time.  Beyond that, she maintains a good habit of eating fruits and vegetables(without any fuss).  She can also tell you about the nutritional value of the foods that she is eating.  She has even been seen educating other children on how to save water and not be wasteful with food.

Environmental Protection环境保护
Awarded to students who have made an outstanding effort towards protecting the environment and who take responsibility for helping to reduce, reuse and recycle or otherwise help keep our planet clean and healthy for future generations.
学生姓名 Student Name


广州市天河区美林海岸幼儿园Canadian International Kindergarten- Mayland(CKE-ML)

提名理由Reason for Nomination


Paulina is a kind and thoughtful little girl. Caring for the environment and sanitation, if she sees litter on the ground she will help to pick it up and throw it into the trash can. At home, she will often collect recyclable materials from her mother, and bring them to the kindergarten to make handicrafts with her classmates.

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