【新闻简讯】我运动 我健康 我快乐
来源:本站 点击数:8340次 更新时间:2018-1-30 16:09:17






  10月31日至2日,广州市天河区旭景加拿达中英文幼儿园进行了三场以“运动健康 快乐阳光”为主题的亲子趣味运动会。本次运动会既有外教的互动、早操的展示,也有亲子趣味游戏,家长们也乐于参与其中。孩子们在活动中愉悦了情感,锻炼了身体,也培养了勇敢、合作的精神。同时,此次运动会也为亲子互动打造了一个平台,为增进家园联系和沟通架起了一座快乐的桥梁。











Fitness Activities

Canadian International Kindergartens

In response to president Xi 's call to carry out extensive national fitness activities and accelerate the construction of a sports power at the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China ( CPC ), Canadian International Kindergartens ' kindergarten have revised our morning exercises to cultivate children’s wills and attitudes with solidarity and cooperative spirit.
On October 24th,Canadian International Kindergarten - Mayland (CKE-ML) held their first morning exercise competition for the school year. It was great to see all the kids outside being active and trying their best. The kids exercised to some popular songs doing all sorts of dance moves and exercises!
On the morning of Oct. 31, November 1st and 2nd, Canadian Bilingual Kindergarten-Sunny (CKE-SN) held three days of games with the theme of sports, health and happy sunshine. The games had both physical and educational interactions. Early exercises and fun parent-child games made it interesting and powerful. The parents were very interested in the games and activities, as everything allowed them to be involved with their children. The students had a pleasant emotional experience during the activities, both exercising the body and cultivating the qualities of bravery and cooperation. Equally important, the games also created a platform for parent-child interaction, and strengthened the bridge for connecting and communicating with each other.
On the morning of November 15, Canadian Bilingual Kindergarten- Asian Games Town(CKE-AT) held an early childhood gymnastics competition. The spirit showed in the small, middle and big class teachers and students dressed in neat clothes, with brisk music, and a strong pace. They stretched their bodies through rhythmic physical tests and games. Neat, strong and powerful movements showed off the children’s healthy bodies and positive spirits.
On November 15,2017, Canadian International Kindergarten-Agile(CKE-AG) held the first semester’s morning exercise competition for the 2017-18 school year. Children went to the playground one by one. Under the guidance of their teachers, the children followed the music and did their morning exercise. Principals, PE teachers and parents judged the competition and presented a prize to the winning child.
On 28th of November, Canadian Kindergarten –Tianyu (CKE-TY) held their first morning exercise competition. In the competition, the children dressed neatly in an organized queue showing good rhythm. The morning exercises included imitation exercises, games and relaxation exercises. Children acted neatly and powerful in place. The teachers were enthusiastic and energetic. The teachers and the small audience burst into applause when they saw the confidence and daring of the children.
On December 3rd, the annual morning exercise competition was held at Canadian Kindergarten – Calgary (CKE-CY). There were two parts in the competition: walking in and performance. The competition started off with the Roller Skating team. Then, strutting, full of spirit, big, middle and small class children neatly shouting slogans as they entered. The second part was exercise sport. The kids from mini classes made a circle, sang happily and followed teachers with great clapping and stamping. The exercise performed by middle classes was basketball, which was real cool. Each child had a basketball in hand and they followed the music to bounce the ball on the spot, walk with the ball and bounce the ball with one knee down. They showed great coordination and control of the ball while passing to each other. The music for children from big classes was faster and more solid which made it more difficult for them to control the ball.  They also had to run and jump quicker and further. This exercise helped them built a better physical ability for primary school. The last performance of the competition was from the basketball team. They did different movements with basketballs following the tempo. They could bounce the ball with the palm of the hand, and bounced the ball through their legs. They also bounced two basketballs at the same time, which was so cool, and they received great applause from everyone.




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