【新闻简讯】开启安全年 点燃新征程
来源:本站 点击数:8029次 更新时间:2018-1-29 16:07:10





  CIEO旗下现拥有21所高标准幼儿园,其中中国大陆地区16所,已获评定广东省一级幼儿园1所、广州市一级幼儿园2所、区一级幼儿园5所、规范化幼儿园4所;香港地区5所,由CIEO从香港Sunshine House Pre-school International全资收购,分布在香港愉景湾、置富花园、东涌、薄扶林和清水湾等地。截至2017年末,CIEO旗下已有9家食品安全A级单位。2017年,CIEO签约并新开办了2所园校,另有3所园校已签约并即将于2018年开园招生,CIEO旗下少儿英文培训学校和国际学校均得到快速成长和良好发展。

  董事长Winnie肯定了2017年CIEO取得的成绩, 提出了2018“安全年”发展目标:启动儿童保护计划,提高抗风险能力、提升运营能力与核心竞争力,努力提升品牌形象、企业的美誉度并全力开发新项目。




CIEO 2017 Summary and 2018 Expectation

3rd Jan. 2018 broguht the annual summary conference for CIEO and introduced its new blueprint for 2018. Leadership from over 30 branches, including kindergartens, English training centers, schools and the international culture exchange center gathered in the auditorium of the Canadian Foreign Language School-Cambridgeshire, a subsidiary of CIEO.

The itinerary for the day was same as in past years with the morning involving group discussions with conclusions and the afternoon dedicated to the entire management team presenting their new year plans with the guidance of Winnie, CIEO president.
The year 2017 witnessed booming development for CIEO and it marked our expansion oversea. 2017 was a fruitful year with 4 new kindergartens and 1 international school successfully launched. CIEO now has 21 kindergartens, of which 16 are in mainland China with the remaining 5 newly acquired from Hong Kong Sunshine House Pre-school International Co., Ltd. in 2017. Our Sunshine House kindergartens are located in the Discovery Bay, Chifu, Dongchong, Pokfulam and Clear Water Bay areas of Hong Kong. By the end of 2017, CIEO had 9 subsidiaries with the government-issued A-Level Kitchens, which is the top of three-tier evaluation system, followed by B and C. 12 CIEO kindergartens were awarded the titles of Provincial First-Class Kindergarten, Municipal First-Class Kindergarten, Regional First-Class Kindergarten and Standardized Kindergarten, with one Provincial, two Municipal, five Regional and four Standardized.
It is quite satisfying that CIEO received no complaints, accidents or negative media exposure in 2017. Winnie shared her expectations and new plan for 2018, placing greater emphasis on children’s protection, legal protection, business operations, core competence, brand image, reputation and new projects.

Winnie acknowledged the efforts that staff have made for CIEO. She presented excellence awards to selected managers and teams. The whole conference ended with the signing of 2018 Plans and Responsibilities for CIEO management teams followed by a banquet for celebrating the new year.

2017 was an important year for CIEO to grow profoundly and to develop steadily. We want to thank all of our staff for their efforts and management for the guidelines provided by the team. We hope for 2018 to be a brand new year with even greater achievements.





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