【新闻简讯】新生入学培训:预热新学期 开启新生活 | 来源:本站 点击数:8455次 更新时间:2017-11-29 11:51:12 |
8月23日上午, 250余名一年级新生在家长的陪同下走进了广州市番禺区加拿达外国语学校校园。学校精心安排了三天的新生入学培训,帮助孩子们在轻松愉快的过程中快速熟悉并掌握基本的课堂、队列等日常行为规范及文明礼仪。
新学校新环境,新班级新同学,孩子们都兴奋不已。上课认真听讲,是尊重自己、尊重他人的表现; 团结友爱手牵手,路队我要整齐走;食不言,寝不语,养足精神才能更好地学习和玩耍……孩子们收获颇丰,在排队等校车时,便期待着放学回家与家长分享新的故事。
教育专家高晓玲女士专题讲座 Ms. Gao delivering a speech
New Semester Opening
Canadian Foreign Language School-Agile (CLS-A)
On the morning of August 23rd, the new students came to CLS-A and went into their new classrooms accompanied by their parents. Our campus arranged parent communication talks to help build confidence, and prepared three days of training for students in grade one, aiming to make them familiar with our school life and rules.
Children are excited by new experiences. Listening attentively in the classroom shows respect for oneself and for others, and our students did very well to listen carefully and try to understand what is expected of them in primary school. They were looking forward to getting home from school to share these new stories with parents.
While arranging preparatory activities for students, the school also took the opportunity to interact with parents. The auditorium of was fully packed for a cordial exchange of pleasantries between the principal and parents. Ms. Xiaoling Gao, an educational expert, gave a lecture on how parents can communicate with their children, which was well-received.
Our principal gave a speech at the meeting in which she said that history cannot be severed, that the inheritance and development of culture are complementary such that education plays a major part in both. CLS-A pledges to carry forward the school’s fine cultural traditions, pioneering and innovative, and set up for students to get the most out of practical education.
The parents offered high praise the school's philosophies and practices. This warm-up activity not only can help first graders more quickly adapt to primary school life, but also lets parents have a new understanding of the school and begin, full of confidence, looking forward to their future studies.
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