来源:本站 点击数:8573次 更新时间:2017-11-28 17:08:11






  在老师们亲切地鼓励和温暖的拥抱下,小朋友们拉着家长的的手踏进幼儿园,快乐地参加开学礼。红地毯上, 100多位新生和小哥哥、小姐姐们走秀入园。从羞涩到自信,他们在过去一年慢慢长大了。老师们竭力呵护着园里的每一个孩子,帮助他们顺利适应新学期。



Opening Ceremony

Canadian International Kindergartens
On September 1, Canadian Bilingual kindergarten –Baiyun (CKE-BY) returned to school for opening ceremonies.
All foreign and Chinese teachers welcomed students warmly as students wrote their wishes for the  new term with their parents and put them on the wishing tree.  The school hired a magician to give gifts to every student before they raised the national flag at 9:40 A.M. 
The flag raisers were some of our teachers who carried the flag, marching in time with the national anthem, before raising bright, five-star red flag. After that, the children held a torch relay ceremony with the children of all classes passing the torch and expressing their wishes and expectations. 
After the more serious part of the ceremony it was time for more fun, with a wonderful performance from a clown receiving bursts of applause and getting laughs from our kids. Toy Story was the theme of our back to school ceremony, and many students have seen the film at home before so they brought all kinds of toys to school to share with classmates. Learning to share is very important as kids’ grow up. 
Here’s hoping that all the wishes on the wishing tree come true.
It's finally time to come back to school! The children were welcomed back to Canadian International Kindergarten-Mayland(CKE-ML) by all the teachers ahead of an exciting year, and even Mickey and Mini Mouse came to give presents to the children. The 'Back to School' ceremony was an amazingly fun party to start the new school year. We had a clown show, a bubble show, a basketball show, a dance performance and a violin performance, what a great day!The children enjoyed the back to school ceremony immensely and I know they are all ready for a great year in!
All the teachers and children of Canadian Kindergarten-Coral Bay Crescent (CKE-CB) gathered in the park for the opening ceremony of the first semester in the 2017 school year. 
The children took the hands of parents entering into the kindergarten and the embrace of teachers. This new semester, the kindergarten ushered in more than 100 new children, the original small class children have also been upgraded to middle brothers and sisters. The children were happy to take part in ceremony. Teachers have witnessed their growth over the past year - from lack of understanding to knowledgeable, from shyness to self – confidence. Caring for every child in the kindergarten helps them make progress.      
September 1 was the first day back to school. On this beautiful morning, Jane and Cindy at Canadian Kindergarten-Times Bund (CKE-TB) gave the children the first morning check and welcomed the children. 
Upon entering the door, the children were attracted by beautiful bubbles and, after a solemn flag - raising ceremony and a warm blessing sent out by the kindergarten director's parent and teacher representatives, staff and students had a water pistol fight. 

It was then time for lunch and the kitchen staff prepared a rich and nutritious meal,  offering a buffet of children's favorites.

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上一篇:【新闻简讯】新生入学培训:预热新学期 开启新生活 下一篇:【新闻速递】开心夏令营 快乐过暑假
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