【新闻速递】开心夏令营 快乐过暑假
来源:本站 点击数:8160次 更新时间:2017-11-28 9:35:02


Can you tell what I am drawing? 你 知道我在画什么吗?


We love to make delicious cookies! 我们很喜欢制作美味的饼干

I’ve grown up so quick; I’m even shopping for myself now! 我很快就长大了,我都能自己购物了


 My math skills have gotten better thanks to the Mathematic Enlightenment Camp


 The Science Camp was very entertaining, although it was quite difficult



Summer Camp and Vacation
Canadian Bilingual Kindergarten—Gemdale (CKE-ZC)
CKE-ZC hosted a series of exciting activities for its annual Summer Camp from August 17th – 31st, 2017. The camp was exceptionally interesting and educational while providing kids with a happy and interesting summer holiday experience. 
One of the summer camps hosted was the Da Vinci Camp. The children were able to participate in free-drawing, Spy Chameleon RGB Agent, funny painting and cut and pasting papers. This allowed students to be able to express themselves freely and show their creative side. Second, the children explored the Mathematic Enlightenment Camp. The camp incorporated a digital jigsaw puzzle, magic cube, building blocks, dice roll and mathematical composition. In addition, the camp had a decomposition game which opened the digital secret door. Next, the students discovered the Home Alone Growth Plan Camp. The student practiced washing vegetables, washing dishes, cleaning the floor and table, baking, making sugar cookies and shopping. The children even created their own movie ticket to see “Zootopia”. Last, the children participated in the Science Experimental Camp. The students really enjoyed this camp. They learned why and how certain objects float and sink and witnessed ice melting at room temperature. Furthermore, the children participated in learning how to plant sweet potatoes and garlic, playing the funny magnetic iron game and color changing. 

The Happy Summer Camp was the perfect combination of promoted happy learning, fun and entertainment. The camp allowed the children days in the Garden to be full of vitality, independence, creativity and confidence; all which have been strengthen and the learning interest has become more and more intense. 

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