【新闻简讯】体验泰国风情 共享轻松暑假
来源:本站 点击数:7924次 更新时间:2017-11-27 15:39:01


Hotel and surroundings

 One of many fantastic Thai temples


The beauty of Thailand

Sample of Thai architecture


Staff preparing to cook


Staff in team-building exercise


Staff exploring the local environment

Wonderful Trip to Chiang Mai, Thailand

Canadian International Kindergarten- Mayland(CKE-ML)
From July 31st to August 4th a number of teachers from CKE-ML went on a wonderful trip to Chiangmai, Thailand, experiencing the charms of a different, exotic cultural.
From Chiangmai to Chiangrai, from the temple to the pagoda, Buddhist art permeates every corner of the town, showing the historic charm of this cultural city. The simple kindness and hospitality of the Thai people and style of the local pagoda temples is very different, unique and fresh which enriched this summer experience for our staff. 

It has been said that it’s better to travel ten thousand miles than to read. This trip relaxed the tension of our teachers while increasing the knowledge-base of our faculty and playing an important role in the cultivation of both international vision and creativity.




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