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  老师们纷纷上台讲述了自己的选择。因为水杯上有我的偶像,我要向她学习,遇到任何事情不退缩、不害怕、坚持目标不放弃; 我觉得我像一棵小草,虽然不起眼,但我有顽强的生命力和学习力;我们要在学习的路上永不止步,坚持学习,常怀空杯心态……每个人的回答,都让听者肃然起敬。这些年轻的老师谦虚好学,充满活力与张力,团队合作意识和协作精神都很强。最后,老师们同园长一起朗读散文《一片树叶》,为此次培训画上了圆满的句号。









  为了让教师们更积极地投入到充实紧张的新学期工作,8月30日下午,广州市番禺区珊瑚湾畔加拿达幼儿园召开新学期教职工大会。何燕平园长首先肯定了全体教职工在上学期取得的成绩,感谢教职员工们在过去一学期对幼儿园的无私奉献。她要求全体教职工们在接下来的工作中要立足幼儿园发展实际,确立发展目标方向。随后,全体人员学习政治思想,重温相关制度,何园长强调师风师德建设,明确新学期幼儿园工作重点和发展方向,勉励大家端正工作态度,提高思想政治意识,增强责任感、使命感和责任心,兢兢业业、脚踏实地地做好本职工作。会议接近尾声,何园长提出了新学期的工作要求及对教师们的希望:认真做事,做对每一件事;用心做事,做好每一件事, 团结协作,提高工作幸福指数,争做快乐幼教工作者。





Teacher Training
Canadian International Kindergartens

Last month, all teachers from Canadian International Kindergarten-CanAm (CKE-CA) gathered in their meeting room for new-term orientation and training.
The new semester brings a new atmosphere and before the training, leadership assigned to each teacher a small task; to find an item in any part of the kindergarten which represents their ideas for the term and bring it to the session to discuss its meaning. Teachers gathered a wide variety of items to present, some coming with a photo of an item too large to be moved.
Teachers came one-by-one to the stage. My chosen item was a cup with a picture of my idol. I want to learn from her, encounter everything that comes my way bravely, not be afraid and persevere in pursuing my goals without giving up! We should never stop in our studies in life, viewing ourselves as an empty cup waiting to be filled. 
Everyone's answers gave the listeners respect. Most of us are young, modest and studious teachers, full of vitality and tension, strong in the spirits of teamwork and collaboration. To conclude the session we read some prose entitled “A Leaf” which shared thoughtful ideas with us in attendance.
On 28 August, Canadian International Kindergarten-Agile (CKE-AG) held an orientation day.
Manager Rhegene Rhe, Manager of Foreign Teachers, trained teachers in behavior norms, teaching schedules, and dress codes. In the course of training, foreign teachers studied the rules and regulations of the kindergarten and daily routines and expectations. Teachers reflected upon and shared their own experiences, offering strategies and ideas which have worked for them and working through common difficulties with their peers.

August 30, a new semester staff conference was held at Canadian Kindergarten-Coral Bay Crescent (CKE-CB). At the general meeting, the Principal, Yanping He, first confirmed the achievements of all faculty members for the last term, and thanked the staff for their selfless dedication to the kindergarten. She asked all staff to work towards the development of kindergarten’s situation and to help establish direction in our efforts. All personnel were asked to study political thought in reviewing related systems for teachers' ethics, work focus and direction development, working attitude, ideological and political consciousness, and strengthening their sense of responsibility. Finally, the principal presented the new term’s work requirements and hopes for teachers: Work hard and seriously, uniting and working together, to improve overall job happiness, and strive to be professional preschool education workers.

Teaching staff training around CIEO have kicked off the new semester, raising our navigation sails for the work of the new term. The staff have clear goals and a clear understanding of how to achieve these goals. For the new semester, our Chinese teachers will be full of enthusiasm and positivity to meet the new day!




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