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  老师们根据节日的意义编排了内涵丰富、形式有趣的节目。根据爱尔兰节日“圣帕特里克节”和“万圣节”编排的大巡游,孩子们身着盛装和家长们一起全场互动 ,点燃了毕业汇演的高潮。大A班的节目《妈妈我爱你》,是根据母亲节编排的。当每个孩子对妈妈们说出感谢的话时,妈妈们都忍不住热泪盈眶。复活节兔子也上台表演了。小B班的节目《兔气扬眉》情节生动有趣,由老师扮演的大灰狼被孩子们扮演的兔子给打败了,引起台下一阵阵笑声和掌声。




  旭景加拿达中英文幼儿园的老师,孩子,家长都是一家人,一曲《we are family》为我们的毕业汇演画上了完美的句号。孩子们毕业了,在未来的人生道路上,你们将拥有更加广阔的舞台,拥有无限的可能和无数的机遇,做最好的自己,你将拥有最美好的未来!


Graduation Ceremony
Canadian Bilingual Kindergarten-Sunny

Sunny Kindergarten has been exploring how to teach English by incorporating varieties of festival cultures, in order to help improve children's interest in learning English. On July 28, 2017, Sunny chose "A Cultural Tour" as the theme of their graduation show.

The teachers, prepared programs according to holiday festivals, such as St. Patrick’s Day and Halloween with children dressed in costumes and parents surprised and excited. The Big Class A program was called "Mother, I Love You" for Mothers’ Day. When every child said thank you to his/her mother, many mothers couldn’t help it but to burst into tears. “The Easter Bunny” was performed by Small Class B. The students catching the wolf and defeating him caused a burst of applause and laughter from the audience.

Middle Class D and Middle Class C shared "Pirates of the Caribbean" with children, armed with light-bar weapons and other mysterious objects.

Parents after the shows wanted to see more, and shared that they felt the themed show was creative in choreography and, with this arrangement, students will come to understand the culture of Chinese and western festivals, which is very important and meaningful.

Sunny Bilingual kindergarten’s teachers, children, and parents are one family, so the song "We are family" was the perfect ending to our graduation show.    You will all have a broader stage, unlimited possibilities and countless opportunities so do the best for yourselves and you will have the best future!







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