【新闻简讯】强力打造专业师资 精准提升发展后劲
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教学管理常抓不懈 常态常新




“青蓝工程” 新老教师结对帮扶



专家培训精准发力 补齐短板

  遇到问题,抓关键,精准发力,方能补短板,齐发展。CLS-C 聘请毕业于北师大心理系的香港浸会大学讲师苏细清博士,重点讲解教师职业核心素养、教师压力与管理,教师职业倦怠预防等知识;聘请北师大珠海分校教育学院史丽晶教授,专业讲解课程设计与建设,内容包括小学课堂教学设计、课程建设等;特邀麦格劳-希尔国际出版公司(Mc Graw Hill Education)课程顾问Alan Davis为外籍教师详细解说K-G6 Wonders系列教材的整体架构、配套的教辅材料、其它支持性资源以及获取途径,以帮助外教在课堂中灵活运用多种教学方法,创设良好国际课程环境。



  国将兴,必贵师而重傅。剑桥郡加拿达外国语学校将全面建设一支师德高尚、知识渊博、业务精良、创新实干的高素质专业教师队伍。此次暑期培训为完善学校管理制度、提升教师队伍素质夯实了基础、指明了方向。今后,CLS-C将朝着既定的目标,更加坚定有力地迈出前进的步伐。 (完)


Training Conference for Teachers’ Self-improvement and Development
Canadian Foreign Language School-Cambridgeshire (CLS-C)

From August 20 to August 31, the teachers of Canadian Foreign Language School-Cambridgeshire (CLS-C), returned to the campus expectantly as they participated in teachers’ self-improvement and development training, which promotes the professional growth of teachers, and help add clarity to the future designs of teachers' professional careers.

Teaching management is always new
He who teaches himself must first discipline himself. During the training period, Principal Robinson detailed the school’s new term teaching objectives, work plan, new semester work topic (concepts, curriculum, systems, executive planning), new requirements for the new term’s teaching and education management and stressed on the school’s moral education work to create a vibrant teaching environment which fully promotes the improvement of students' academic levels.

"Blue Indigo Project" for peer support of new and old teachers
"Blue Indigo Project" means that the pupil outdoes the master. Through this project, new and old teachers gained peer support, working in pairs, to improve together in teaching and learning, promote the rapid growth of new teachers, and further improve the quality of new teachers and the efficiency of teaching.

Expert training
CLS -C invited Dr Xiqing Su, lecturer from Hong Kong Baptist University and graduate from the department of psychology at Beijing Normal University, to focus on teachers’ professional knowledge, teaching pressures and management and job burnout prevention. Lijing Shi, professor of education at Beijing Normal University - Zhuhai, gave and engaging explanation of curriculum design and construction, including classroom teaching design. Alan Davis, an adviser to the McGraw - Hill International Publishing Company, provided a detailed explanation of the overall structure of the K - G6 series of teaching materials, accompanying educational materials, supporting resources and access to foreign teachers, in order to help the foreign teachers use a variety of teaching methods flexibly in the classroom to create a good international curriculum.

Teachers are vital to school development. The training at CLS-C has shouldered the important task of perfecting and developing and has made a strong step towards the construction of a team of high quality professional teachers with high ethics, knowledge, professionalism and innovation.





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