来源:本站 点击数:8955次 更新时间:2017-10-31 16:02:58

一心向前兴教育 携手共进促发展


  为进一步贯彻落实《3—6岁儿童学习与发展指南》的精神,达到 “以教促研、以教促发展”的目的,9月22日,广州市番禺区雅居乐加拿达中英文幼儿园邀请番禺区南村镇、南沙区学前教育骨干教师及部分姐妹幼儿园园长等共200多人观摩半日开放活动。






Developing Education Through Cooperation
Canadian International Kindergarten-Agile


In order to implement the requirements of the 3-6 Year-Old Children's Learning and Development Guidebook published by China’s Ministry of Education )and perform research as well as developing education, Canadian International Kindergarten-Agile (CKE-A) held a half-day, Open House Activity.


Principals and teachers visited CKE-A. Foreign teachers guided the children in outdoor activities and indoor corner classes. All the visitors gathered on 2nd floor in the auditorium and listened to Principal Coco’s speech about the experience of government evaluation. Teacher Kaiyi Wen from the Nancun Education Guidance Center provided training for Guangzhou evaluation. Finally, Director Jiezhen Lu from CIEO concluded that the motivation of government evaluation is to help us to improve our teaching quality and development as well.


Over 200 principals and teachers from Nancun town and Nansha district attended this activity. Guided by the 3-6 Year-Old Children's Learning and Development Guidebook and Kindergarten Instruction, teachers are able to help children to grow up healthy and happy by gradually upgrading their ability and giving better learning experiences to children.


Principals and teachers visit CKE-A

Foreign teachers guide children

Principal Coco shares


Teacher Kaiyi Wen from Nancun Education Guidance Center training attendees



Director Jiezhen Lu from CIEO summarizes


Exhibition of Evaluation Materials



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