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Teacher Markus的吸睛大法

    今天,我要向大家隆重介绍卡尔加里幼儿园中三班的外籍教师——Teacher Markus。





吸睛大法第一式:Markus English Dollars。


   “Markus English Dollars”发行规则:满足教师要求奖励贴纸,五个贴纸换一元Markus纸币,“银行”存够一定数额可以兑换相应礼物。







    Teacher Markus得意地说:“一个纹身贴纸,十元Markus币,我亲手贴。”一贴完,孩子们都小心翼翼捧着自己的小手,手背上美丽的图案让他们开心极了。微信群里的家长们知道后,立刻沸腾了起来,直呼“太贵了”、 “贴完纹身,钱袋子里只剩三张了”。于是,有些美妈开始关注并搜索儿童理财绘本,帮助孩子开启理财教育之路。

    显而易见, 发行Markus纸币,不仅激发了孩子们自愿遵守课堂规则和积极主动参与课堂活动的愿望,而且,还让孩子们学会了如何保护自己的财产,学习数数,学习理财......





    未来社会,团队合作是孩子必备的素质之一。在卡尔加里幼儿园的八大好习惯培养中就有团队精神这一项。这种精神,一定要在孩子小的时候就进行培养。那么,如何培养孩子的团队合作精神呢?继Markus纸币之后,Teacher Markus又放大招了——画脸。只要孩子们共同为团队赢得足够的分数,这个团队的孩子就有五秒的时间在Teacher Markus脸上画画。wow!对于孩子们来说,这实在是太有趣了!


    经过孩子们精心打扮的Teacher Markus闪亮登场,我们中方老师也享受了同等的待遇呢!

    团队合作,互动支持,其结果就是巨人般的拙中藏巧,浑然天成。创造一个自由、宽松的交往环境,让规则、协调、理解、信任、竞争、创造、分享等,丝丝缕缕浸润弱小而快乐的心田,这便是 “画脸”最大的吸睛之作。(完)

 供稿:何倩茹(中三班 区奕诗)


Kindergarten Teachers at Calgary -Parent’s Words
Canadian Kindergarten – Calgary (CKE- CY)

Today, I would like to introduce the Foreign teacher for Middle Class 3 at Calgary Kindergarten, Teacher Markus.

Eye-catching Ideas

He has so many different looks, which can always keep children’s focus. Why is he so popular in the school? Because he has eye-catching ideas.

The first is Markus English Dollars.

That’s right! Money!

"Markus English Dollars" Rules: Meet the requirements of teachers to receive stickers, five stickers can be exchanged for one Markus Dollar. Markus Dollars can then be exchanged for gifts if their “bank balance" is high enough.

The Markus Dollar has successfully captured children’s attention. They follow by the rules in class consistently and actively participate in all kinds of activities to get "Markus English Dollars".

Check it out, look … they’re listening carefully!

“I’ve redeemed my Markus Dollars for a gift!”

Some of the gifts for Markus Dollar award system are from parents. Parents who have traveled abroad, have passed on many gifts.

Teacher Markus said proudly: "a temporary tattoo, ten Markus English Dollars, I’ll apply it personally." After they were, the children were carefully holding their own hands, admiring the beautiful patterns which had let them become so happy. The parents in the Wechat group heard about it and immediately boiled up, complaining about the “expense.” “After applying a tattoo, we only three bags of money left,” one said. After this event, some mothers began to pay more attention educating their kids about finance and searched for children's financial books, which helped their kids start down the road being financially aware.

It is clear that the release of Markus notes not only stimulates the children's willingness to comply with classroom rules and actively participate in classroom activities, but also lets the children learn how to protect their property, study numbers, and appreciate money.

The Markus Dollar exchange also allows children to appreciate the joy of success in exchanging for gifts, but more importantly it stimulates the children's interest in learning, cultivates their abilities for financial awareness, self-management, mathematic skills which all increase wisdom and provide a small sense of accomplishment.


The second reward is drawing on the teacher’s face.

In the future, teamwork is one of the essential qualities for a child to engage with society. Focusing on the team spirit is one of the eight good habits practiced at Calgary kindergarten. These seeds must be planted out when a child is small. So, how to cultivate the child's team spirit? Following Markus English Dollars, Teacher Markus uses art again. As long as the children work together for the team to win enough points, the team's children have five seconds to paint Teacher Markus’ face. Wow! For the children, it's so funny!

These are our beautiful teachers after being made up by children.Teamwork and interactive support, the result is a clumsy, giant-like clumsy, totally natural system. Create a free, relaxed communicative environment so that things such as rules, coordination, understanding, trust, competition, creation and sharing, can infiltrate the small, happy hearts. This are the biggest gains from Markus’ painting face.

 By Mrs. He Qianru, (Mother of Ou Yishi ,Middle Class 3)



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