【企业发展】数载幼教风雨路 今朝省评传佳音
来源: 点击数:7308次 更新时间:2017-12-12 9:56:16







Great news!13-Years of Preschool Education Brings Great Honor
Congratulations to CKE-A on achieving the title Guangdong Provincial level kindergarten
On November 21st, CKE-A was granted the title of Guangdong Provincial kindergarten by Guangdong. CKE-A is the first provincial level kindergarten in CIEO. Hooray!
From July 3rd  to  July 5th, 2017, the evaluation panel line of seven people, led by Ye Yinxian, Carried out a three-day visit of CKE-A.
During this period of evaluation, the panel listened to reports, inspected the kindergarten, went through files and information about staff management, teaching and research, health care and so on in accordance with the evaluation scheme of kindergartens in Guangdong. After observing the daily routine, experts choose 18 children and did a fitness test and held a meeting with 25 foreign and Chinese teacher delegates , 12 parents and some delegates from Agile Garden.
The group of experts listened reports, conducted individual interviews, followed the regular workings of the kindergarten and examined related documents to obtain a comprehensive understanding of CKE-A. Ultimately they agreed to identify CKE-A as a first-class kindergarten in the Guangdong province.
This is a landmark in the development of CKE-A. CkE-A WILL continue to implement the concept of “education is love”, to increase the level of kindergarten, to optimize the environment, and to become a kindergarten that garners trust from parents and displays social acceptance.

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