【国际交流】祝贺你们,CIS 2017届毕业生!
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校长Ms. Lorianne Tenove(左)、优秀毕业生Owen Lu(中)、加拿大驻广州领事馆总领事Ms. Rachael Bedlington(右)


     6月8日晚上6点,加拿大国际学校(CIS)2017届高中毕业生典礼在广州市番禺区剑桥郡加拿达外国语学校(CIS-C)礼堂举行,十一名优秀的CIS高三学生光荣毕业,广州加拿大国际学校(CIS)全体师生、家长与特邀嘉宾——加拿大驻广州领事馆总领事Ms Rachael Bedlington等齐聚一堂,共同见证这激动人心的历史时刻。

    “祝贺2017届全体毕业生获得来自加拿大艾伯塔省、渥太华省高等院校及美国波士顿大学的录取通知书!”加拿大驻广州领事馆总领事Rachael Bedlington女士在毕业典礼上致辞,向所有毕业生表示祝贺。她鼓励毕业生们以开放的态度接纳文化多样性,体验多元文化,在扮演好跨文化大使的同时掌握多元文化的习得能力,勇于在未来国际大环境中承担责任。2017年是加拿大成立150周年,Rachael Bedlington女士希望毕业生们以此为契机参与加拿大各地举办的庆祝活动,探索其所在的城市,融入当地的生活,体验精彩的校园生活。


     Rachael Bedlington女士与学校领导一起向部分优秀毕业生颁发各类学科奖项及丰厚的奖学金。优秀的高中学科成绩将为他们接下来在商业、兽医学、传媒、机械工程及教育学等相关专业的学习打下坚实的基础。



      星球大战中的尤达大师曾说:做,或者不做,别说“我尽力”。广州加拿大国际学校(CIS)优秀毕业生代表Arlence Chen发表获奖感言时引用了这句经典台词,学校老师Mr. Benjamin Hyson也经常用这句话来鼓励学生。她还告诫学弟学妹:“未来很美好,我们不该在疑惑和挣扎中止步不前,我们只需要忠于内心的选择并为之做出努力。”

     最后,英语和人文教师Mr. Benjamin Hyson 的总结为此次毕业典礼划上了圆满的句号。他以果实的成熟比喻莘莘学子的成长:“学校就像是一片巨大的叶子,供给'小花蕊'营养,使之能茁壮成长,突破自我。在接受学校教育,正式踏入社会之前,‘小花蕊’慢慢绽放成花朵。当其具备数学逻辑和科学思维以后,‘小花蕊’逐渐成为有想法的成年人——‘果实’。在灵感的激发下,‘小果实’向外界展示梦想,表达内心的渴望,逐渐走向成熟。希望你们这些可人的‘小果实’能勇敢地卸下保护外衣,自豪地实现自我,学会分享,学会享受人生,并为人类社会做出贡献!”(完)

Congratulations to the Class of 2017 – CIS-GZ

The Consul General of Canada Attend the CIS's High School Graduation Ceremony

Panyu, 6pm, June 8th, 2017, Canadian International School of Guangzhou(CIS-GZ)held its high school graduation ceremony in the auditorium of our Cambridgeshire Campus. Eleven CIS Grade 12 students were recognized at our convocation ceremony with Ms. Lorianne , principal, and her graduating students gathered in an auditorium full of proud parents, family, friends, teachers, and distinguished guests including Ms. Rachael Bedlington, the Consul General of Canada, to celebrate their unique achievements. 

“Congratulations to Class of 2017 who have all been accepted to several universities and postsecondary schools this fall in Alberta and Ontario in Canada, and Boston University in the United States.”  Ms. Bedlington addressed the graduates on behalf of the Government of Canada in Guangzhou, China. She encouraged each of the graduates to embrace diversity, experience multiple cultures, master acquisition skills in playing the role of cross-cultural ambassadors, and take responsibility as issues arise in the future global community of billions. Since 2017 is the 150th anniversary of Canada Ms. Bedlington hopes that graduates will take this opportunity to participate in various activities organized in Canada to explore the cities where they live, engage in local life and experience their wonderful campus communities.

As opening addresses concluded, the audience was treated to a video sharing our graduates’ experiences.  The video feature dynamic images exemplifying the vibrant campus culture at CIS-GZ; the learning and the high spirits of the students on teachers in the school community.  Audience members applauded in sharing the excitement of our students.


Awards and scholarships were presented to several deserving students in subject areas that formed the foundation for their future degrees in business, veterinary sciences, media and film studies, mechanical engineering and education.

“Do or do not.  There is no try”, a quote from Star Wars Jedi Master, Yoda.  Valedictorian Ms. Arlence Chen, an outstanding graduate speaking on behalf of Canadian International School of Guangzhou (CIS-GZ recalled this well-known saying from one of her teachers Mr. Benjamin Hyson citing it to his classes on the topic of award-winning speeches.  The final message from the valedictorian to her fellow students, “Don’t be confused or struggle with what is best in your future; make your own choices, and be responsible for them.”

Finally, Mr. Benjamin Hyson, the English and social sciences teacher, used the mature process of a plant as a metaphor for the growth of students, setting a satisfy conclusion for the graduation ceremony. Says Mr. Hyson, "The school is a huge leaf, providing nutrition to the "flower.” You thrive, breaking through the boundaries. The plant begins to blossom before entering society.  When you have mathematical logic and the mind of scientists, you will gradually have the sophistication of adults. When dreams and desires truly reveal your colourful coat, you really mature from your source of inspiration.  I hope you all - delicious flowering fruit can shed your protective outer shells and achieve proudly, knowing how to share. Finally, learn to enjoy life, and to nurture new plants!”



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