欢乐嗨欢天夏令营 暑假的正确打开方式
来源:本站 点击数:12127次 更新时间:2017-11-3 9:06:41


快乐的暑假一开始,CLS-C 却仍有欢快的身影出现在校园里,这是怎么回事?难道暑假不应该在家睡到自然醒吗?No! No! No!让我们带你回顾剑桥郡加拿达外国语学校欢乐嗨翻天的暑期夏令营,看看暑假的正确打开方式吧!


















CLS-C Summer Vacation

Canadian Foreign Language School-Cambridgeshire (CLS-C)


When the summer vacation  begun,  CLS-C has a cheerful presence on campus every day. What's going on? Shouldn't you rest naturally on your summer vacation? No! No! No! Let’s visit CLS-C and enjoy summer camp, where you can find the right way to open your summer vacation.
3D Printing
Go into the 3D printing lab to experience the amazing power of technology! It's no longer impossible to imagine, design, model and print. When we see these works held in our own hands we feel a sense of pride and accomplishment.
Swimming Class
Our handsome coach offers professional guidance. Still afraid to learn to swim? Much one-on-one instruction allows you to enjoy swimming in this hot summer!
STEM for Beginners
STEM is our coolest class.  The focus is to create a robotic machine which can be controlled remotely to perform tasks.  Kids create their own machines and develop mechanical skills.
Natural Spelling Class
Teaching your child to memorize the ABC’s? Worried about improving your child's English? Rest assured, CLS-C has the most professional teachers to use the most advanced methods of natural spelling to help kids acquire English, so that they can read words right away and learning English is not boring!

And that’s just in the mornings!  Every afternoon, football, basketball, baseball, golf, personality pottery, creative dim sum, Chinese painting, chorus, ballet and 14 other creative groups were waiting. Every day was so full and wonderful, this is the proper way to open the summer vacation!




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