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一、 提醒幼儿勤洗手,多喝水,加强锻炼,增强自身抵抗力;
二、 加强班级卫生消毒工作;
三、 向家长们发放《预防水痘致家长的一封信》,发动家长与我们一起做好预防水痘相关工作。











1、 不私自下水游泳;
2、 不擅自与他人结伴游泳;
3、 不在无家长或教师带领的情况下游泳;
4、 不到无安全设施、无救援人员的水域游泳;
5、 不到不熟悉的水域游泳;
6、 不熟悉水性的学生不擅自下水施救。


Chicken Pox Prevention and Swimming Safety


CIEO takes the health and safety of all students very seriously and as such wanted to address two current issues for parents.  With recent outbreaks of chicken pox a kindergarten is a place where disease may spread easily.  Furthermore, with summer and swimming season approaching, we want to remind parents to be consciously aware of safety issues with child swimmers. To help ensure the health and safety of our young students CKE-AT offers the following advice in these areas.

Chicken Pox

CKE-AT has implemented the following measures:

1.Reminding kids to wash hands frequently, stay hydrated and exercise regularly to strengthen their resistance;
2.Enact extra health disinfection measures;
3.Sent parents a letter on cooperation in this matter.

They also advise the following measures away from school:

1. Vaccination is an effective method of prevention and control;
2. During outbreaks, avoid bringing kids to crowded, public places;
3. Pay attention to personal hygiene and bedroom ventilation;
4. Children with chicken pox must be isolated from the onset of the disease; from herpes to all scabs, and can only return to school with a medical certificate;
5. Children’s rooms, clothing, utensils, toys must undergo measures such as U/V exposure, ventilation, and boiling until sterilized;
6. Observe kids carefully; parents whose children show symptoms should inform the school or kindergarten immediately.


Swimming Safety – 6 “NO’S”

1. Don't go swimming alone;
2. Don't go swimming with others without permission;
3. No swimming without the guidance of a parent or teacher;
4. No swimming in waters without a lifeguard or someone who can offer rescue;
5.No swimming in unfamiliar waters;
6. Kids who are not used to swimming should not go beyond their limits .



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