【新闻简讯】创意播种快乐 文化滋养心灵
来源: 点击数:8223次 更新时间:2017-11-24 9:31:07


  热狗是西方国家最受欢迎的食物之一。孩子们和老师对这个活动都充满期待,兴奋不已。 “What is this? This is a tomato(这是什么?这是番茄).” 老师们给孩子们热身,小朋友们声音宏亮地跟着外教老师自信地说英语,十分开心,真是棒极了!
  学完单词和句型,孩子们洗干净手,跟随着外教制作热狗。外教老师引导孩子们一边做一边说出刚刚学习完的句型 。“I can make it so yummy(我可以让它如此美味)!”一位小朋友自信开心地说。



  九月开学季,头发也“疯狂”。新学期开学, 广州市番禺区雅居乐加拿达中英文幼儿园小朋友们开心地体验了一场有趣的亲子互动课-疯狂的头发。

Creative Happiness
Canadian International Educational Organization

Happy Hot Dog Festival
    Canadian International Kid’s English-Jiangnan (CTC-JN) had a Hot Dog Festival in 13th August 2017. Kids came to our school with their parents to make their own hot dogs together.
   As we know, hot dogs are a popular food in many western countries, which added to the excitement of our activity. The teacher shared vocabulary with students, about the process of making a hotdog then it was time to wash up and get to making hotdogs.  When they were finished cooking, the kids ate them up together.  A great time was had by all.

Crazy Hair Day
Children at Canadian International Kindergarten-Agile (CKE-AG) scheduled a parent-child interactive theme - crazy hair day.
The main purpose of this activity was to break from traditional teaching methods, and inspire students to express themselves creatively through their hairstyles. For this crazy hair day activity, parents and children displayed their talents and showed off a different side of themselves. Through these creative exercises focused on happiness, our children open the shackles of their minds and think about infinite possibilities.

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