【新闻简讯】新学期 新体验:多姿多彩的户外教学
来源: 点击数:8402次 更新时间:2017-11-23 9:53:43



见证王者之风 探秘恐龙世界















  8月30 日,小朋友们戴着帽子、背上小水壶,坐上校车,一路唱着动听的歌曲,来到了东莞植物园。蓝天、绿草、池塘里的荷花、路边的小野花,还有漫天飞舞的蜻蜓、蝴蝶都深深地吸引着孩子们,他们开心极了!小朋友们跟着外教老师一路指指认认,将英文课堂搬到了植物园里,宝贝们跟着老师大声地用英文去描述眼前的景物。最后,小朋友们一起坐在草地上分享美食与观园收获!户外情景教学让孩子们开阔了眼界,收获颇丰!

School Field Trips
Canadian International Kindergarten-CanAm (CKE-CA)
Secrets of the Dinosaurs 
On the first school day, CKE-CA went to the Dongguan to explore the world of the dinosaurs.
Entering the museum, we were met by the three different kinds of dinosaurs. Which dinosaur was 20 meters tall with a long neck? Which was small but can run very fast? Which was the terrible dinosaur with a big mouth and fangs?  The museum's guides helped us to find the answers, also teaching us that there were no dinosaurs which could fly or which lived in the water; true dinosaurs only lived on land.
Next, we met a dinosaur named Chuanchuan who taught us that dinosaurs lived millions years ago, and that some of their good friends (dragonflies, crocodiles, turtles) still live on earth today. Sadly, the dinosaur family is extinct. Why did the dinosaurs go extinct? 
This trip helped students to answer this, and many other, questions.
The World of Insects 
The day after visiting with dinosaurs we went to Dongguan science museum to discover the world of insects.
There was a big glass box with different kinds of beautiful in it. The children were suddenly surrounded by different insects, some which we had only seen on TV before appeared in front of us. The narrator used her beautiful voice and professional knowledge to open the door to the insect kingdom us, helping us understand different kinds of insects’ habits. We met the world's largest butterfly, the world's most camouflaged insect and of course met the boys' favorite; beetles! After seeing the insects, we went to the film hall and watched a documentary called The Frozen World. There were Himalayan mountains, snow leopards, bears, pandas and a terrible avalanche. 
We learned a lot and the importance of environment protection. A good living environment will help these creatures to live safely!
Dongguan Ceramics Museum
In the second week of school we visited the Dongguan Ceramics Museum.
With the guide’s help, we learned about the history of ceramics, saw many modern ceramic crafts, and took photos with some exquisite ceramic murals! Next we came to the DIY pottery room, where the teacher showed us how to turn mud into many different shapes like animals and household items. Students made many things such as houses, castles, sunhats and cookies.
Ceramic art experience activities activate students’ hands and brains through the creative process.  IT’s a great way to put students in touch with a traditional Chinese art form.
Visit to KFC
On August 24, we went to KFC. Before entering the kitchen, KFC staff gave the kids caps and aprons and guided them to wash their hands properly. Later, the kitchen professionals gave the children a detailed explanation of the sources of KFC food, storage, production, preservation time and other information. After watching the production of French fries, fried chicken and burgers, the children followed the instructions of the staff to make a chicken burger of their own. 
This event, let the children understand the strict regulations in food operations and to respect the difficult work staff do in this industry. With KFC souvenir gift bags and taste of delicious food the children had a great time!
Botanical Garden
All wearing hats, we went to the Dongguan botanical garden by school bus singing songs along the way. The blue sky over the garden was so beautiful and everything was green. We saw the lotus flowers, wildflowers, dragonflies and some butterflies. Our foreign teachers moved their English class to the botanical gardens so as we walked around the garden, our teachers introduced many things so that we could talk about our experience in English.  After class we sat on the grass and shared food with each other.

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