【新闻简讯】加强沟通 家园共育:家委会及家长学校讲座
来源:本站 点击数:7833次 更新时间:2017-11-21 13:54:14



  9月28日至29日,佛山市禅城区卡尔加里幼儿园召开了分年级组家长会。 各班针对本班年龄段孩子存在的教育教学、家园沟通、亲子关系等问题针对性地展开案例分析。如:小小班级的《如何应对新生入园焦虑》、小班级组的《重视对孩子自理能力的培养》、中班级组的《让孩子学会守规矩》、大班级组的《好习惯成就幸福人生》。各班级将园务活动、班级工作计划与家长提前沟通,还民主选举了新一届家长委员会成员。老师带领家长们参与体验式的游戏学习、共同进行案例分析、谈论、思考、总结,在思想碰撞的过程中,家长和教师的教育观都有了进一步的提高 。


  10月3日,佛山市禅城区卡尔加里幼儿园在音乐室开展家长学校之 “幼小衔接”家长专题讲座,受到了家长们的好评。   



Home Committee Activities
Canadian Kindergarten-Calgary

Individual Parents’ Meetings

September 28th and 29th, Canadian Kindergarten-Calgary (CKE-CY) ’s Home Committee had its individual parents meetings according to age levels. Each class explained strategies used in their class to parents by sharing examples: How to deal with the anxiety of separation for mini class, how to develop children's independent skills for small class, how to let children be disciplined for middle class, and good habits for a happy life in big class. Each class told the parents the school activities and class plans in advance, and voted on a new parent's committee. Teachers and parents worked together through games, case analysis, discussion and effective ways to improve teaching ideas.
Information Session
Recently, CKE-CY’s Parent Committee held an information session about the connection between primary school and kindergarten, which was praised highly by parents.
In order to help parents from middle and big class understand the importance of family education and make preparations for primary school from kindergarten and to help understand children and the rules for how they grow up, principal Joan invited Huang Lin, second class national psychological consultant and the member of Psychology Association of China, to talk about how to help children adapt to primary school life.  The session also offered help parents to parents on how to solve problems and answer questions they may have to help children take their first steps successfully.

Ms.Huang analyzed the differences of kindergarten and primary school, then she gave more details in three areas, providing examples; the importance of knowing the connection of the kindergarten and primary school, the motivation in going to primary school, and the learning ability development.  He session helped parents think about their children according to their development and character, using effective education, not only focused on knowledge while ignoring ability before primary school.  To train children accordingly, helping children prepare well for primary school, Ms. Huang also had interaction with parents, helping them see their children's characters and learn strategies to make useful communication with children and build a better relationship.    







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