【新闻简讯】新学期家长会:家园携手 共育未来
来源:本站 点击数:8039次 更新时间:2017-11-21 12:13:24







我们已准备好啦!(Preparation for meeting)
家长准时到来!(Parents arriving)

园长及外教主管讲话(Principal and Foreign Manager giving speeches)

家长会现场(Parents meeting attendees)


何园带领全体教职员工学习政治思想及师风师德教育的学习(Principal leads faculty)

何园介绍幼儿园文化(Principal introduces kindergarten culture)




行政与教师团队合影留念!(Teachers and administrators)

讲座生动有趣,在座的家长们积极参与互动(Guest speakers offering advice)
杨园长Fiona为大家作学期工作汇报(Principal Fiona addresses CKE-ML parents)

杨园长Fiona为新学年的家长委员会成员颁发聘书(Principal Fiona welcomes new Parents’ Committee leaders)

黄振芳女士讲授实用育儿技巧与方法《如何有效陪伴孩子》(Ms. Huang Zhenfang discusses practical skills and methods effectively accompanying children)

杨园长Fiona与新学年的家长委员会代表进行沟通和交流,一起学习家长委员会手册内容(Parents committee on a very full day)


Assistance for Parents in the New Semester
Canadian Kindergartens


Whether in the home or in school, the care and education of parents plays a decisive role in the growth of children. To help create better home-school collaboration and aid new children in adapting to school life, our Canadian Kindergartens organized parent meetings to open the new term.

August 20, Canadian International Kindergarten-CanAm (CKE-CA) organized their meeting in the dance room which was full to capacity.
This is the first direct contact between many new parents and our kindergarten and principal, Yuan Wenqiang, introduced parents to the overall conditions of the kindergarten including educational characteristics, teaching team and the core concepts of the kindergarten. Foreign Manger, Alex, introduced the international curriculum to parents, and focused on sharing the six international education systems developed by CIEO. Parents were offered comprehensive, multi-dimensional understanding of the kindergarten and explanation for how the children learn English and work to become international citizens.
The principal discussed the common problems for first-year students, how they can adapt to life at kindergarten as soon as possible. Through videos and Q&A parents were provided a progressive view of education and learned about the science of parenting. This, hopefully, created a good foundation for home education, and for smooth development in the new semester.

On the afternoon of August 29, more than 120 kids and parents attended a PTA meeting at Canadian Kindergarten-Coral Bay Crescent (CKE-CB).
In addition to the general kindergarten situation, the principal introduced safety issues and an analysis of children's behavior as well as methods of cultivating children's interest at home for cooperation with the school.  She also encouraged parents to actively communicate with kindergarten teachers to collaborate in, helping children get over anxiety early in adapting to kindergarten.

On the afternoon of September 15, Canadian International Kindergarten-Mayland held there meeting in the playground and auditorium of Yuan Village Primary School. Members of the Parents' Committee and the Food Safety Board were invited to attend the seminar. The principal awarded a letter of appointment to the members of the Parents’ Committee for the new school year and reported on the work of the new term. Experts shared simple, practical, effective health care and parenting methods for teachers and parents and the meeting was well-attended and well received.

We would like to thank all parents who attended these meetings. We are very lucky and grateful to work alongside you all in setting up brilliant kindergarten education to all our students!






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