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  魏伽榗小朋友热爱英语,拥有超强的学习能力和语言天赋,勇于挑战,善于突破自我。从报名英语口语大赛的那天起,魏伽榗一直在努力备战、不懈练习,先后斩获东莞赛区一等奖、广东省决赛一等奖, 最终获得全国总决赛二等奖的殊荣,可喜可贺。(完)

Jiajian Wei Wins Prize in National Contest
Canadian International Kindergarten-CanAm (CKE-CA)

July 2017, Jiajian Wei, a student from CKE-CA, won Second Prize at the 11th National Spoken English Final Contest sponsored by the China institute of Foreign Language Education, the UCA International Center for Research and Development of English teaching and the Organizing Committee of the National Children's Oral English Contest.

Since registering for the contest in January, Jiajian Wei practiced tirelessly, winning first prize in the Dongguan division, and the finals for Guangdong province. He took Second Place in national final through his love of English, strong learning ability and language talent showing the courage to challenge himself and his perseverance. Congratulations!





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