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吴怀良Devin: 现在的学生比较有个性,要调节好课堂,就得讲究方法。个人认为,首先老师的关注点要集中在课堂上,要集中在重难点的突破上,用新颖的、学生喜闻乐见的教学方式吸引学生的注意力,激发学生参与到课堂学习中去的兴趣,引导学生一起突破重难点。学生心无旁骛,课堂自然就流畅了,更容易达成教学目标。老师首先要计划好上课的内容,设计好课堂的环节,安排丰富、具体的学习内容,正面激发、正面引导,让学生在课堂上每个时段都有事可做,让学生因学习变得充实,课堂才会活而不乱,充满生机。


潘智愷Kai:对于低年级的孩子来说,传统篮球课的第一节课总是球性练习,接着是运球练习,然后教练不停地强调运球是篮球的基本等等。其实仔细想一下,是不是不会运球,或者运球不厉害,就不能打篮球了呢?我觉得不然。一名出色的投手,他确实不太需要运球,日常训练也是绝大多数时间都放在投篮上。如果刚好有一位学生非常具有投篮的天赋,给他一个篮球就能在篮球场上投上一天, 但他就是做不好运球,运球给予了他不小的打击,使他不喜欢甚至反感投篮,如果我们的篮球课要是一段时间都是球性、运球训练,那位学生的运球也肯定学得不扎实。但是,如果一开始把学生“暴露”在众多的篮球技术动作中,让他们自己去感受运动的乐趣,对篮球感兴趣的学生会更多,运球便也变得有意思而且易学了。






Shared Experiences from
Canadian Foreign Language School-Cambridgeshire(CLS-C)


How can we improve a child’s ability to write Chinese characters?
Alisa: The normal method of teaching character-writing leaves little room for creativity, making it difficult to energize the class. I began to try to change this atmosphere by introducing games to the classroom. Unfortunately, while this helped to catch the interest of the class, it didn’t do much to improve their actual writing performance. Therefore, I made some changes, and decided to focus on four aspects of learning—observation, understanding, demonstration, and evaluation. I made some transparent flash cards, with different black strokes on them. Students then had to create different Chinese characters by recognizing which order those strokes came in. It’s actually more difficult than just writing the characters down, but the children’s overall writing ability has greatly improved since we started doing this activity.


How do you organize a class?
Devin: Students develop more active personalities as they get older, which means we as teachers should begin to adjust our classrooms to allow for this and to help keep their attention. The first teacher of the day should have an activity to help focus the classroom. The classroom atmosphere should be fun and dynamic, which will help create a better environment for teaching. This can be done by providing interesting lesson content, having a nice classroom set-up, and using positive reinforcement.
Students will learn a variety of subjects inside the classroom—for example math focuses on rigorous thinking and logical reasoning, while liberal arts-based topics will focus on thinking outside of the box. Therefore, teaching methods should be just as varied, allowing students to learn and communicate through a variety of different mediums, from reading texts, to doing drawing, to taking part in classroom debates.

How do you get your class interested in your teaching?
Kai: During a lower-level class, we focus on basic ball-handling skills, and then practice dribbling. We really make sure to that our students can dribble well. Some might think dribbling is not that important, when in actuality it doesn’t matter how good of a player you are in other positions, if you aren’t able to dribble, you won’t be able to play well. Daily training of dribbling will help to improve a child’s skill. However, we also expose children to other techniques early on, such as shooting, in order to help maintain their interest.

How do you make your students feel appreciated?
Handy: I try to evaluate my students’ levels straight from when class starts, that way I can better congratulate them on progress made as the class progresses. When congratulating a child, I make sure not to over-do it (i.e. “You’re really smart! Wow, you’re great!”), instead telling them simply that they got the answer correct, and they’ve done a good job in doing so. Better yet, it’s good to clearly identify the area in which they’ve done well, to allow them to better understand what they’ve done correctly, and so they can see that the teacher truly notices the effort they have put into their assignment.

The content is derived from Growing Up On the Road CLS-C



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