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《菲菲生气了》Faye Was Angry




Teachers’ Painting and Drama Activities


April 7 – 10, Canadian International Kindergarten CanAM (CKE-CA) hosted a series of activities aimed at interesting teaching and research activities themed, “Good Books and Growth – An Overflowing, Fragrant Garden.”


Teachers gave performances in the form of reinterpretation of a script. They made full use of the break time group discussion, selecting picture books and props while assigning roles. They took advantage of their artistic skills for literature, art, music and dance to shape characters from the scripts to deliver the plot and explore themes.


Performances focused on environmental descriptions, background rendering, and the sharing of key content, to add an emotional element to teaching.


Interpretive art adapted from stage performances take reading into a more experiential, multi-layered realm.  Helping kids thorough activities like this reinforces learning through play, public speaking performances, cooperation and interaction with peers which, in turn, inspires organic learning through active reading and autonomous learning.

Teachers learn from each other, comment on each other, and carefully discuss the purpose, methods and contents of teaching which aims to improve teaching level and professional ability.



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