【新闻简讯】听说读写全提高 英文演讲见真招——第12届“枫叶杯”少儿英文演讲大赛精彩回顾
来源:本站 点击数:9589次 更新时间:2017-8-2 11:24:22

English Speaking Shows - CIEO’s 12th Annual Maple Leaf Cup(Training Centre)






June 13, 2017, at 1:00 pm, the Twelfth Annual Maple Leaf Cup - Children's English Speech Competition for Canadian International Education Organization (CIEO) training centres was held in the first floor hall of Tianhe Book Center.  35 competitors performing 33 programs entered this final round of competition having qualified from the five children’s English training centres under CIEO.




    加拿大国际教育机构(CIEO)总经理Ms. Haley Lang及英文教学总监Mr. Paul Kozyn、英文教学副总监Mr.Mark Emptage等莅临现场并担任大赛评委。


Ms. Haley Lang, General Manager of CIEO, Mr. Paul Kozyn, Director of English Education, Mr.Mark Emptage, Vice Director of English Education, were in attendance along with several CIEO managers serving as judges for the competition.





The finals of the Maple Leaf Cup was a showcase of kids who had passed through a sea of competitors in preliminary and semi-final rounds held at individual branch locations.  This large-scale competition not only involves high-pace but all large volumes of content, active minds and a strong academic atmosphere and reach a fitting conclusion in the complementary environment of the Tianhe Book Centre.  The wonderful performances of the day won great applause from all those in attendance.





The small players with pure American pronunciation, fluent oral expression and agile English thinking has won the unanimous praise of the guests and parents. Parents appreciate and gratitude the Canadian International Children's English Training School, especially English thinking and oral expression on the progress of children's English learning.



After three hours of intense competition, the following schools and contestants received these awards, trophies and tuition rewards.



Star School

Dongshan Training Centre


CIEO’S 12th Annual Maple Leap Cup Results – Training Center:




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