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    广州市番禺区加拿达外国语学校开展第二届“国际贸易节”暨特色财商课程活动。学生用英语作为主要语言,通过模拟真实市场的交易过程,将商品卖出获得的利润作为善款,以加优教育基金会的名义捐赠给有需要的社会群体。它旨在提高学生的英语口语能力和对财富的认识与管理能力, 营造校园英语氛围,培养他们对弱势群体的关爱意识,并灌输给他们良好的感恩理念。 


















CLS-A’s Finance Course — 2nd International Trade Fair
Canadian Foreign Language School-Agile(CLS- A)

In order to help our students learn about finance, we set up a fair and let them tend to the buying and selling processes while allowing them to experience helping others in need. Our Second International Trade Fair themed ‘Find Homes for Babies’. Students had to speak English during the buying and selling, which was a good chance for them to practice.

On the first day of the fair, students set up their shops in classrooms and then could go to different classes to sell or buy the items on offer. In order to earn money to help people in need, students thought of special ideas to sell their products. They made handicrafts and stocked up with animals, lamps and snacks. Students were excited during the fair and some sweet students even bought gifts for their parents to show their gratitude.

In the afternoon the trade fair began as students and parents prepared to sell products from their own shops. We also set a donating zone, saving bank and auction to help to raise funds.

Teachers, students and parents happily lost track of time until, at sunset, the fair came to an end. Parents’ feedback called it a great activity with students learning how to conduct business and discovering how difficult it is to earn money while they used money raised to help others.  One parent said, “It was very meaningful. I really look forward for next trade fair. I believe our kids can learn more and grow more mature through this activity. ”

We established a Trade and Industry Department and Taxation Office for the fair and donated the money we raised to the CIEO Jiayou Foundation to help children in need. Through this activity, students know that together we can make things better; we can help other kids have a happier childhood.




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