6月24日,一场别开生面的“2017 仲夏家庭狂欢日”在广州中心皇冠假日酒店举行,广州寰宇外籍人员子女学校携手广州加拿大国际学校,联合《城市家》英文亲子杂志为超过30组中外家庭量身打造难忘的假日狂欢活动。
Summer 2017 Family Fun Day Review
Canton Global Academy&Canadian International School of Guangzhou
On June 24, Canton Global Academy (CGA) and the Canadian International School of Guangzhou (CIS-GZ), in concert with Urban Family, hosted the ‘Summer 2017 Family Fun Day’ at the Crowne Plaza Guangzhou City Center. More than 30 families joined this fun-filled, family-oriented occasion with the event including detailed seminar presentations, demonstration classes, afternoon tea and a sports meeting. Attendees were also treated to a performance by the CIS band.